Top 4 ‘Windows’ Around Malta & Gozo

I think everyone knew and still remembers the beautiful Azure Window in Gozo, which collapsed on Women’s Day, in April 2017. The most popular tourist attraction on the Maltese Islands of its time.

It could be also spotted in the American fantasy drama series Games of Thrones during the Daenerys and Khal Drogo’s wedding and it!s deeply missed by a lot of admirers. Even though Azure Window was iconic for Malta (Gozo), it’s not the only ‘window’ you can find around the Maltese Islands.

I’ve came across couple of ‘new’ windows myself, which are easily accessible from land. Here is my list of four windows, which are definitely worth visiting!

azure window

1) Marsaskala’s Window

At first, it came as a surprise to find out that Marsaskala has such a beautiful coastline offering a great walk on top of some stunning cliffs! You can read about my trek from St. Thomas Bay to Il-Ħofra l-Kbira in my blog, but this time I would like to point out this beautiful little window, which you’ll see along the way.

It is just a fraction of Azure Window’s size, but that fact doesn’t take away its beauty. I didn’t go all the way down, as the surface was a bit slippery and I was by myself, but it looks like you can easily swim underneath it and have this little window to yourself!

marsaskala window

2) Wied Il-Mielah, Gozo

This window is located about 5 km up north from Dwejra, where Azure Window used to stand. It is accessible, however you will never have such a view as the Azure Window used to offer, as it’s situated in between cliffs. It might be nicer from a boat, but it’s still pretty spectacular.

It is a bit of a ride to reach the place, but at least it is not as touristic as Azure Window used to be. Definitely worth the drive (also a great for trekking enthusiasts) and then you can continue along the coast to Wied il-Ghasri and the Salt Pans in Xwejni. There is a lot to see in this part of Gozo, so dedicate at least a day for a good exploration trip.

gozo window

3) Ghar Hanex Window, Qrendi, Malta

Many tourists come to visit Mnajdra and Hagar Qim Temples in the south of Malta. These megalithic temples are UNESCO Heritage Sites and are pretty popular, however when you are in the area, don’t miss out on the Ghar Hanex Window! It is a bit of a challenge to reach it, not suitable for everyone, as the path I went down was quite steep. However if you manage, it is pretty awesome!

This tiny little window, is a miniature of the Azure Window, with some great views and also a crystal clear bay next to it ideal for a refreshing swim! So if you go, don’t make the same mistake and take your bathing costume with you! 🙂

UPDATE 2020: The cave connecting the window to the land has collapsed and the window cannot be reached from the coast anymore. You can read more here.

mnajdra window

4) Marks & Dukes Window, Mellieha, Malta

It’s been a year already since I’ve discovered this gorgeous window in Mellieha. That day I just drove to visit the Chapel of Immaculate Conception as the area offers great views and it’s in general a nice place to visit. Then I thought I may as well park and explore the area. You can read about my adventure here.

I was walking along the coast, definitely wasn’t the first one, as there was a nice path and I came across this beauty! As you can see in the above mentioned blog, the views of the nearby cliffs are just spectacular and the color of the water is unbelievable!

marks and dukes

And here we are, back to where we started. Azure Window might be gone, but Dwejra is still a very popular place to visit. If you look properly at the edge of the cliff where the window used to be it looks a little bit like a face and some people refer to it as the Azure Widow.

It is still worth visiting, as you can admire the beautiful cliffs, walk around the moon-looking-like grounds, take a boat ride from the Inland Sea, check out the Fungus Rock or just sit down and enjoy the stunning sunset. After you can have dinner at the Azure Window Restaurant, which I would like to recommend, and after you finish, on a clear night you can enjoy the sky full of stars. 🙂

azure widow

I hope that you enjoyed this blog, learnt something new about our beautiful Maltese Islands and will add these stunning windows on your list of must-visit places in the near future. 🙂

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