Trek From Mnajdra Temples – Ras il-Hamrija – To Ghar Lapsi
Here I’m again. It’s been nearly three years since my first adventure to Ghar Hanex Window. This photo blog will nicely continuing this trek. If you don’t know how to get to this point, check the Ghar Hanex Window blog. It includes detailed instructions from Hagar Qim parking area. In a matter of fact, those two white ‘bubbles’ in the top right corner are indeed Mnajdra Temples.
To get where I was standing while taking this picture is a bit challenging as the path from Mnajdra Temples is very steep. I was couple of times on my bum, while ‘moving’ down. Then I spotted a family including a grandmother and grandfather and I quickly stood up! Haha. If they can manage gracefully, so can I!
Here is my first short stop. It is a small intimate inlet. There is a path to follow to go all the way down. I went approximately half way as I just wanted to have a brief look and continue the trek.
I love the contrast of the rocks’ surfaces. On the left hand side the rock is very smooth and slippery. However on the right hand side the rock is rough and sharp. The sea was quite rough on the day, but if it was calm, I think it would be a great place for swimming and snorkeling.
This is what the path looks like. I know photos are very misleading, but to give you an idea. It’s manageable, but the ground is very uneven full of small stones, so just mind your ankles.
And here it is! Ghar Hanex Window. The super tiny, but not any less beautiful. This natural arch used to be accessible by foot. I actually walked right next to 3 years ago, but then the cave, which also served as a ‘bridge’ to the window collapsed in April 2019.
This promontory is known as Ras il-Hamrijan and if you Google it a lot of pictures of this gorgeous little arch will come up. Below you can see a photo that I took almost three years ago and what the area looked like before the cave (right behind the small boat) collapsed.

This is what’s left of it now! What a sad view. Especially when you know what it looked like before! If you want to explore the natural arch closely you have to get in the water. Swimming, kayak, rent a SUP or a small boat. There is no way anymore to reach it from the land.
Please be very careful in that area, as it seems like more of the coastal rocks are going to collapse. As you can see below there are two huge cracks, so please proceed with caution here.
Now we go back to the starting point of this photo blog. On the way you will spot this path below. If you want to go for a quick dip in the sea, that’s easily accessible, you can do so here.
There is a small rocky beach at the bottom. The sea was pretty rough that day, so not exactly perfect for swimming, but keep it in mind for future. In this bay, these is also a quite a popular spot called ‘Grotto of the white eel’. I didn’t explore it this time unfortunately, but if you’re in the area and the sea is calm, give it a go!
Now let’s continue this trekking adventure. We’re going to walk towards Ghar Lapsi, which you can spot on the horizon. And yes, we will walk all the way there! It’s not that far, come on!
This is going to be our second stop during this trek. You can explore it from above or you can walk down the path and reach the pebble beach at the bottom.
This inlet reminds me very much of the first stop. On the right hand side the rock is very smooth and slippery. However on the left hand side the rock is rough and sharp. I really need to start bringing swimwear and googles on these adventures. I also need to get a bigger backpack!
After you’re ready exploring this small bay, go back up and keep to your left. You will shortly spot another path that will lead us to our next stop – Pixxina Naturali.
Just a quick warming that there will be a few occasions where the path is right on the edge of the cliffs. So please be careful where to step. I can tell you now, there there is another path, which is a bit higher, so you might want to look for it straight away.
Before we go and check out Pixxina Naturali, I just wanted to stop for a second, turn around and show you, that there were indeed two paths! One for the more adventurous trekkers and one for those that prefer to play it safe. Which would be me, if I only knew that there was an alternative path!
And we’re nearly here, the path to Pixxina Naturali is right in front of us. can you spot it?
Finally, my third attempt to get to Pixxina Naturali was successful! I can’t believe I actually missed it twice in a row when I was in the area.
As we all know nothing good comes easy. I put my ‘mountain goat skills’ to a very good use to reach this natural pool in the area of Qrendi and it was worth it.
This small lagoon is situated between two rocks which one of them overlaps the water. Please be very careful as there were number of ‘fresh’ fallen rocks in the water. You don’t want one of them to hit your head!
If you decide to swim here, be careful of fireworms! Nature’s protectors of this gorgeous area. Their white bristles get stuck in your skin and burn and irritate. Worse than a jellyfish sting!
After you enjoyed the peace and quiet of this natural pool, let’s continue as there is still quite a walk to Ghar Lapsi. When you climb out keep to your left and go towards the sea until you spot the path.
Keep going and soon there will be these majestic rocks in front of you! On days like these I wish I’m a professional rock climber so I can go and explore all those caves and small openings. I mean you have to admin that in areas like this, it just does not feel like Malta. Or does it?
I think I need to come again in winter/spring time when the grass will be fresh and green. I mean it was still lovely and the dry brown grass has its magic. I was walking though it and touching it with my finger tips. It felt quite therapeutic I got to say.
This part of the trek will be rather challenging as it’s yet again very close to the edge and pretty steep. Pace yourself, don’t rush, look when you step and you will be fine.
And here you are! The amazingly beautiful Ghar Lapsi! If you want it for yourself you better be early as by 9am it’s full on the weekends! I think now it’s time for the rewarding refreshing swim! Well done for completing this trek. It wasn’t easy, but I’m sure you feel great now!
I marked the starting point of this adventure. Well it was actually the temples, but you know what I mean. The easiest way to reach it is to go next to the Congreve Memorial, also marked, and go down slowly from there. Not easy, but manageable.
Hi! Just to ask how long it took you to finish the trek? Thanks so much 😊
Hi Lou, I would say if you take your time, enjoy it and explore it like I do (every little corner) I would say 2,5h and more. If you rush it through, don’t stop for any pictures and just stick to the main path, you should manage in 1,5 hours, but that will be more like an off road run. Hope this helps.