Wandering Around St Peter’s Pool

Hi everyone! Another workweek is coming to the end and with it comes the question of what to do this weekend! Yes, you might be a tourist, who is here for just couple of days or weeks, and you are looking for nice a place to visit. But you can be also be living on the island and trying to break the routine by going to places you haven’t been for a while! Either way, I think you will like this one!

I don’t really remember when was the last time I went to St Peter’s Pool, but it would be more than 3 years for sure! I know, that’s pretty bad, but I think that people generally stick around the area they live in (including me) and don’t really drive to the other side of the island to spend their day off.  You get stuck in traffic, you might be disappointed with what you’ll find or you just think of commuting as a waste of time. I’m trying to break these rules and get myself out of the comfort zone as much as I can. So here we are, at the beautiful area of St Peter’s Pool with some gorgeous views!

st peters pool bay south malta

Beautiful view of Ras il-Fniek don’t you think? One day I would like to go on these SUP treks and explore that area from the sea! Below you can see a wonderful seashore will salt pans, which unfortunately don’t seem to be in use any more. This is literally around the corner from St Peter’s Pool and I have never seen it, would you believe it?

st peters pool bay south malta

st peters pool bay south malta

Amazing, amazing, amazing! It’s such a beautiful picturesque place! I was loving every minute I was here. I intentionally arrived around 9 am, because it wouldn’t be so crowded, plus the sun was in the perfect position to light up the limestone cliffs. Simply stunning! I had to take a panorama as I wanted to fit all the beauty in one shot.

st peters pool bay south malta

And let’s not forget the great limestone rocks and boulders that are spread around the seashore! They are pretty large and it was really enjoyable to walk around them, think how long they have been there and appreciate this unspoiled natural beauty. I believe that the best things in life are free and this is definitely one of them! 🙂

st peters pool bay south malta

Nature is the best creator and this just confirms it. I find it really fascinating how the sea, well all the elements, shaped this cliff into this unique and beautiful piece of art!

st peters pool bay south malta

And here it is! Panoramic view of St Peter’s Pool! Yes, the chimney of the local gas power station spoils the view a little bit, but don’t worry, once you there you don’t notice it anymore. And why is St Peter’s Pool so popular?

Well, It’s a perfect place for cliff diving, swimming and snorkeling. The water is clear with no dead sea grass. You can also find some natural shade. If you are planning to stay the entire day (I stopped for about 90 mins) please note that there are no facilities. But there is a small kiosk where you can buy something small to eat and cold to drink.

st peters pool bay south malta

st peters pool bay south malta

The views are pretty amazing! You can just sit down, enjoy the scenery and watch all those people jumping in the water. And if you are lucky enough you get to see Carmelo Abela diving in the water with his dog “Titti”.  She is a cute little doggy that loves diving and swimming! The local celebrity! If you want to check it out here is her Facebook page and a video. I wasn’t lucky that day to see them, but I will be coming back! 🙂

st peters pool bay south malta

st peters pool bay south malta

Once you pass St Peter’s Pool and you continue walking along the sea, this is what you get to see! I cannot believe that I never made the effort and walked ‘behind the corner’. Even after St Peter’s Pool was getting a bit busy, at the end of my visit, this was still very quiet.

If you are the adventurous type. If you love hiking and ‘just’ lying on the beach is not your thing, you would love this place! Set your alarm for an early morning, get your hiking boots on, pack your swimwear for a quick refreshment and you are sorted for this weekend!

st peters pool bay south malta

st peters pool bay south malta

st peters pool bay south malta

I think this is one of the most magical places I have visited in Malta so far. And it’s not just about St Peter’s Pool and the surrounding areas that I just showed you. If you walk a bit more towards Delimara, there is a beautiful British lighthouse that was built in 1856 (which also serves as accommodation! if you want an adventure) or still functioning salt pans! So there is a lot to see here!

I hope that you will include a visit St Peter’s Pool in the upcoming weeks and that you will wander around a little bit. If you have any tips where to go next please leave me a comment below! 🙂

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