10 Reasons To Visit Salina National Park

Salina National Park also known as Kennedy Grove or Melita Gardens is definitely a place to be this winter! Why? Well there is a good number of reasons. I’ve put together my top 10 reasons why you should add Melita Gardens on your list of must-visit places.

1. Private Parking

Let’s start with the most important question. Can I find parking on location? Yes! There is private parking available for the visitors of Melita Gardens. When I visited on Tuesday afternoon it was half empty. But don’t worry there is plenty of parking on the road parallel to the garden for the busy Sundays. Once you park, this beautiful open space with a fountain at the center will welcome you at the park.

Kennedy Grove Malta

2. Accessibility

I visited the National Park with baby Oliver in a pram. Therefore a good accessibility was a key. And I got to say that I was pleasantly surprised will the well kept paths. Every set of steps had an alternative way suitable for prams or wheelchairs. There are many different ways to enter Melita Gardens. Which ever way you pick the access is always easy.

Kennedy Grove Malta

Kennedy Grove Malta

3. Abundance of seating

When you have such a nice park you want to enjoy it. And what’s the better way than simply sit down on one of the many benches available? There is a bench on every corner, so you can rest your feet, watch your kids play or just read a book and enjoy the sunshine.

Kennedy Grove Malta

Kennedy Grove Malta

4. Picnic tables everywhere

What could be possibly a better way to spend your Sunday afternoon than by enjoying a nice picking in nature? Pack couple of sandwiches and take your partner, kids or that girl next door for a nice romantic picnic. There are plenty of picnic tables and benches so I’m sure you’ll find the perfect spot just for you!

Kennedy Grove Malta

Kennedy Grove Malta

5. Gorgeous Greenery

Winter and Spring are the greenest periods of the year in Malta. We get the most rainfall during this time which results in beautiful greenery all around. The temperature is just about right, making it enjoyable to spent time outdoor without the risk of overheating. Recharge your batteries and rest your eyes from the computer screen.

Kennedy Grove Malta

Kennedy Grove Malta

6. Playgrounds

If you have bigger kids you will be pleased with the playing areas. There are two main playgrounds – in the upper and lower part of the park. Even though Olly is still too small to test them to give you a first hand review, I’m sure you and your kinds will be happy.

Kennedy Grove Malta

Kennedy Grove Malta

7. Fresh water stream

It’s almost impossible to see a river, rivulet or even a small stream of water in Malta. Therefore it’s very pleasing to enjoy a fresh water at the bottom of the park. It just gives it the ‘alive’ feel that the otherwise rocky island sometimes misses.

Kennedy Grove Malta

8. Open-air gym

Yeah, it’s January (again!) and I’m sure every single one of you have ‘to go the gym’ or ‘be more active’ on their list of New Year’s resolutions. Well, if you don’t fancy those overcrowded air conditioned gyms, you can enjoy the local open-air gym! In between exercises you can walk around or hug a tree for better energy. 🙂

Kennedy Grove Malta

9. Romantic corners

If you are thinking where to take your loved one for a romantic date, this could be an idea. Nice long walk through the park, exploring the hidden corners and just enjoying the time of you two together. You know, simple things are sometimes the best ones! Why not to pack a picnic blanket too?

Kennedy Grove Malta

Kennedy Grove Malta

10. Visit Kennedy’s Memorial

Have you ever wondered why it is also known as Kennedy Grove? Let’s start by getting out facts right. Kennedy Grove is actually an area in the lowest part of the Salina National Park. The gardens surround a monument dedicated to the former US president John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), who was assassinated in November 1963. This memorial was commissioned by the Maltese government in 1964 and was co-funded by American citizens living in Malta and the US government.

Kennedy Grove Malta

Kennedy Grove Malta

I hope I’ve convinced you with the above reasons. 🙂 If you’ve never been here before, you can check the map below for directions. Enjoy! 🙂 And if you like gardens in general there are plenty more to explore around the island.