Magical Sa Maison Garden

Looking for a place in Valletta where you can escape the busyness of the capital city? Then Sa Maison Garden is the right choice! A small, pretty garden offers peace and quiet where you can sit down on a bench, read a book or just enjoy the view of Pieta and Ta’Xbiex.

sa maison garden valletta malta

sa maison garden valletta malta

sa maison garden valletta malta

sa maison garden valletta malta

Here is a little bit of history of this beautiful place. Lady Julia Lockwood resided here between 1842 and 1856. At the beginning of the 20th century the garden was handed over the civil government. It was used as observation and defence post for Marsamxett Harbour. While walking through the garden you can spot several regimental crests that are engraved in the bastion walls.

sa maison garden valletta malta

sa maison garden valletta malta

The layout of Sa Maison Garden is rather unusual spreading over several levels. At the highest point, you can find a watch tower offering you great views of the harbour.

sa maison garden valletta malta

sa maison garden valletta malta

One can also find a miniature model of a castle carved in the Maltese stone dedicated to the 2nd Battalion of the Essex Regiment (on the lowest level of the garden).

sa maison garden valletta malta

sa maison garden valletta malta

If you are visiting the capital city of Valletta, give this garden a visit, you won’t regret it! 🙂

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