Ta’ Qali National Park – What to expect?

Welcome to one of the largest green areas in Malta. Ta’ Qali National Park is definitely a place to be during winter and spring months. Would like to visit, but not sure if it’s worth your time and the drive? You might be surprised how much greenery the park has to offer! Let me show you what the National Park is like and then you can make up your mind. 🙂

There are many ways you can enter this park. At the end of this photo blog you will find a map with the exact location where I started. I know we haven’t even walked into the park, but I already have a big plus about this place! There is abundance of parking space! I’ve visited Ta’ Qali National Park during the Carnival school holidays, so you can imagine how busy it was, but still no problem with parking. Just saying.

ta qali national park

Either you enter as I did or from the Embassy of United States side, you will start exploring the National Park through the Formal Garden. Once you enter though the gate, walk under the trellis and this is where you find yourself (pic below). If you walk around you might realize that it’s constructed in such a way that it looks like the Maltese cross.

ta qali national park

ta qali national park

The Formal Garden within the Park is planted with a large variety of indigenous and non indigenous tree species. It’s just lovely too see all these different trees and well maintained greenery. There is plenty of space for kids to run freely.

Unfortunately there aren’t that many places where you can afford to do that with kids these days. The amount of construction and traffic just makes playing outside unpleasant and dangerous. Therefore I’m really thankful for places like this.

ta qali national park

There are many information boards around the Ta’ Qali National Park to remind you of everything that you can see and do. If you are more technologically educated than me and know how to use these QR codes (I know, shame on me for being so behind), you might even get some useful information!

ta qali national park

Did you know that once upon a time the area of Ta’ Qali National Park was a Royal Air Force airfield and barracks? Yes! Between the years 1943 and 1950.

The main Ta’ Qali fountain is surrounded with an aqueduct-like semicircular gateway. If you like, you can walk up the stairs and enjoy the views from above. Since I was alone with the pram, unfortunately I couldn’t go up and take photos for you. But hey, I got to keep some surprises for you to discover, don’t I? What fun would it be if I would just show you everything. 🙂

ta qali national park

ta qali national park

ta qali national park

There are so many ways to explore this park. I was going left, right, up, down, criss cross. There is not best way or a main path. Just explore. At one point you will come across this monument (pic above). It’s called ‘The Ring Figure’ created by Charles Sammut, 11th May 2006 and I would like to quote what’s written on the monument. When you come here, please take a moment to appreciate to beauty around you and these words…

“The Ring Figure – This is a man going into the future with open arms full of confidence. He is stepping lightly on the earth and almost dancing his way though life, he sees the world as a challenge and a difficult task to reach the top. From this position he has to remember where he came from and the struggle he went through to arrive. Also he must never forget where he is going. In him we can identify ourselves approaching problems and dealing with them, and keeping ourselves open to others and helping them along. Like him we shall walk tall and proud to be the person we are.”

ta qali national park

As I’ve already mentioned there are many non indigenous tree species. This board can tell you a bit more about the trees you can find in the park and where they come from. I was pleasantly surprised that the Czech Republic was also listed on this board with the Lime tree (Talia Cordata).

ta qali national park

ta qali national park

There are many paths and hidden corners so you don’t have to be worried you won’t find a quiet place. Just get off the main pathways and walk  around. I wish I had brought a book with me as the little one was sleeping in the pram and I had some time to read. Lesson learnt for next time. 🙂

Couple of days before I visited the Ta’ Qali National Park Malta was hit by a really bad storm. Some says the worst storm in the last 40 years. Therefore there were still some fallen trees around the park. But the kids didn’t mind, they made a tree house out of it! Which reminded me of my childhood and the simple things in life we used to enjoy. Such as a fallen tree.

ta qali national park

ta qali national park

Did I mention there is an open air theater too? I was pleasantly surprised how well maintained it is. No obvious signs of breakages or vandalism. Now I just need to check if it’s being used and when is the next performance going to be as I’m sure it would be a lovely experience! If anyone knows more, please let me know!

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ta qali national park

And look at the lawns! If someone tells me again that Malta doesn’t have any greenery I’m going to smack him (joking)! Yes, there aren’t parks on every corner unfortunately, but there are places to go. Just like this National Park. All you need is to pack a picnic blanket, couple of sandwiches and a day in paradise is here. For free!

ta qali national park

Also let’s not forget the BOV Adventure Park, just across the road from where I parked. The entire ‘Adventure Park’ site, stretches approximately 400 meters, and it is situated on the ex-RAF runway, with the popular ‘Picnic Area’ on one side and the ‘Meridiana’ vineyards on the other.

ta qali national park

ta qali national park

I don’t know about you, but I love water elements in parks! It’s refreshing, the noise of water is calming and it’s just creates the perfect atmosphere.

The BOV Adventure Park has a lot to offer and it is a very popular place for family outings. If you want to learn more about the attractions and the way this part of the park is structured, please click here.

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ta qali national park

Every time I go to Ta’ Qali National Park I always admire this aerial obstacle course. Something I’ve done abroad, with the only difference that it was in the forest. Known as the ‘tree tops adventure parks’. But this looks cool too. Unfortunately I’ve never seen anyone on it, so I wonder if it’s even open. Does anyone has any information?

ta qali national park

Attention picking lovers! Frisbee lovers! Football lovers! Kite lovers! This green open space is simply awesome! Ideal for all these activities and there is plenty of space for everyone to enjoy what they love do! And yes, this is still part of Ta’ Qali National Park.

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ta qali national park

And what else to add? For me, the most important element was, that everything was ‘pram friendly’ and Oliver really enjoyed the time in the park. Did you enjoy it too? In which case you might also like the Salina National Park. Go and check it out!

Good to know: there are toilet facilities, a cafeteria and it is pram/wheelchair friendly. There is also Petting Farm with a 20c food machines for animals, so get your change ready. 🙂