Door Knocker Hunting Adventures

Sometimes you might not feel like a long trek or crazy adventure. I feel you, I’m the same. On those kind of days I recommend to walk around and explore traditional towns and villages.

Those still usually consist of the traditional Maltese houses with colorful wooden windows & doors and gorgeous brass knockers. And the imagination of the owners is endless!

zejtun door knocker

This time last year I started documenting traditional, unusual and most original door knockers and door knobs. I’ve created a stunning gallery and you can check them out on the dedicated Facebook and Instagram page.

In this photo blog I would like to share the most interesting finds and recommend you places for door knocker hunting. As believe me, once you start, you won’t be able to stop. You will soon catch yourself staring at people’s door hoping to find a unique knocker. 😉


Explore the side streets opposite Sliema Ferry for some beautiful door knockers, knobs and handles.

sea horse knocker


This town in central Malta also houses some beautiful and unusual knockers. Definitely check this area out.

balzan door knocker


This town in the south is arguably the best place for door knocker hunting. Just start exploring around the church, the main streets, side streets.. you will be impressed  with what you will find.

zejtun bee door knocker

This is what happens when a young archaeologist gets a door knocker for his new office! 😊 It might come as a surprise to some, but this knocker, the Goddess of Fertility, is actually easily accessible and you can buy it from a shop in Valletta on the Republic Street.

goddess of fertility knocker


Explore the tiny windy streets of the capital city. Get lost and find some of the most adorable knockers. You will be able to find some very unusual and rare knockers such as hares and elephants.

valletta door knocker

Hal Ghaxaq

Did you hear about the The House of the Snails? If you haven’t it’s time to learn about it! Plus in its close proximity, one of the tiny streets behind the house, there is this unique snail knocker.

Hal Ghaxaq - Snail Door Knocker


This stunning door handle is hiding in the side streets of Hamrun and it caught our attention straight away! It has a completely new approach and we love it. The whale tail is known as a symbol of strength, so would be very meaningful too.

After speaking with the owner I found out that the house is named Narwhal, as in the whale with the horn, that’s why the door is a sea foam blue too. The owners love the open house waters and the theme is carried throughout the house… all natural blues and greens. The whale tails were done abroad by a designer/architect.

whale knocker malta hamrun


What a stunning, newly added, custom made ‘Il-gardjola’ knocker to beautify the streets of Floriana. The actual guard tower has various symbols sculpted on in such as an eye, an ear and the crane bird, representing guardianship and observance protecting the Maltese shores.

Love to see this kind of gorgeous craftsmanship making these islands wonderful and unique. In this case I know that the door was done by Raymond Pullicino and the design of the knocker & mold by Gilbert Mangion.

tower knocker floriana

Did you know that I actually created Malta Door Knocker Wall Calendar for 2022 with all my original photographs? I did! And I still have a handful of copies left for those interested! They can be purchased here. Free local delivery and worldwide shipping available! 🙂

malta door knocker calendar