WIN: Two-week English course in Malta! All included!

Now, this could be your life changing experience! And I’m not joking! Did you know that I also started my love affair with Malta while attending a language school? I did!

My journey started back in September 2007 when I first arrived in Malta.  My intention was to only stay for 6 months to improve my English. Well, it’s now March 2022 and I’m still here! And got a son too. Haha.

malta llanguage school maltatina

You never know what’s gonna happen. And because I love any kind of adventure I’ve teamed up with Maltalingua to offer you this opportunity that might quite possibly turn into something much bigger than just a two-week language course in Malta.

Plus this year, in 2022 we both have big birthdays! I’m celebrating 15 years in Malta and Maltalingua celebrates 10 year anniversary! Big enough reason for a celebration don’t you think? 🙂

maltatina and maltalingua collaboration

And you know me, when I do something I go all in. I don’t do things half way, so that’s why you have a chance to win all of this:

  • Two-week course at Maltalingua
  • Accommodation
  • Flights
  • Airport transfers
  • And a VIP tour with me & you pick the adventure you want go on!

This entire experience is worth over €1000 and you can be in a chance to win it by simply filling up Maltalingua competition form. It’s open to everyone! You may be living in Italy, Germany, Argentina or somewhere in Asia. There are no limitations to where you have to be from.

maltalingua maltatina

The only thing is that you cannot come in July/August for obvious reasons. Those are the busiest months plus to be frank, you want to come in off-season, trust me. If you want to swim and you’re the beach type, the best time I would say is September. If you want to trek and explore, while improving your English then I would suggest December or March/April. So it’s nice and green, but not too humid or cold.

What can you look forward to? Two wonderful weeks in Malta, improving your English, meeting new friends, exploring this beautiful Mediterranean gem and just having fun. Your school, Maltalingua, is situated in the heart of St. Julian’s, but it’s not just the location that makes this language school to stand out.

malta lingua language school malta

In 2020 Maltalingua was nominated for the prestigious StudyTravel Star Awards – English Language School Europe. StudyTravel Star Awards is an annual peer-voted awards ceremony renown for rewarding quality service across multiple categories covering study travel agencies, language providers, vocational colleges, secondary schools, service providers, and associations.

This was the first year Maltalingua has been recognised by ST Star Awards and is the first and only school in Malta to have been nominated within the category of ST Star Awards – English Language School Europe since the prestigious award ceremony was established in 2006. So yes, you want to study here!

It’s simple, fill the form, keep your fingers crossed to be the winner, choose when you want to come and pack your bags! You want that Mediterranean sun. Malta is the perfect place to improve your English language skills.

The winner will be announced in September 2022 so you have plenty of time to sign up! Also get all your friends and family involved! 🙂

Disclaimer: Neither I nor Maltalingua take any responsibility if you decide to stay in Malta forever! It’s a risk you must be willing to take. 🙂 Good luck! x